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Pavel Livotov, Vladimir Petrov: Innovationstechnologie TRIZ. Produktentwicklung und Problemlösung.
PDF-Handbuch. 303 Seiten, erweiterte Auflage, 2024.
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Publikationen von Prof. Dr.-Ing. Pavel Livotov  zum Thema "Systematische Innovation"

The Potential of Generative AI for Systematic Engineering Innovation. Proc. of the 6th Upper Rhine AI Symposium, Institute for Machine Learning and Analytics, November 13-14, 2024.

Challenges in Inventive Design Problem Solving with Generative AI: Interactive Problem Definition, Multi-directional Prompting, and Concept Development. 2024. DOI:10.1007/978-3-031-75919-2_13


Towards AI-Aided Invention and Innovation. Proceedings of 23rd International TRIZ Future Conference, TFC 2023, Offenburg, Germany, September 12–14, 2023, Denis Cavallucci, Pavel Livotov, Stelian Brad (Eds.) in IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, Springer 2023.

MODELING AND PRODUCTIVITY PREDICTION OF THE COMPANIES-INTERNAL CROWDSOURCING-BASED IDEATION. Proceedings of the Design Society. 2021;1:2147-2156. doi:10.1017/pds.2021.476

Easy-to-Use Ideation Technique Based on Five Cross-Industry Analogies Enhances Engineering Creativity of Students and Specialists. In.: Systematic Complex Problem Solving in the Age of Digitalization and Open Innovation. 978-3-030-61294-8, TFC 2020, IFIP AICT, Volume 597, Springer Nature. 2020.

Lower Abstraction Level of TRIZ Inventive Principles Improves Ideation Productivity of Engineering Students. In: TFC2019. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, Vol. 572, 526-538 (2019), Springer, Cham,

Competitive Capability Assessment of Industrial Companies within the Framework of Advanced Innovation Design Approach. Proceedings of the 15th International Design Conference, Design Society, 1903-1914 (2018), doi: 10.21278/idc.2018.0267

Learning Eco-Innovation from Nature: Towards Identification of Solution Principles Without Secondary Eco-Problems, 2020. In.: Systematic Complex Problem Solving in the Age of Digitalization and Open Innovation. 978-3-030-61294-8, TFC 2020, IFIP AICT, Volume 597, Springer Nature. 2020.

Eco-Innovation in Process Engineering: Contradictions, Inventive Principles and Methods. 2019. Available at

Enhancing Innovation and Entrepreneurial Competences of Engineering Students through a Systematic Cross-Industry Innovation Learning Course. 2018. Available at

On the Efficiency of TRIZ Application for Process Intensification in Process Engineering. 2018. Available at

Environmental Problems and Inventive Solution Principles in Process Engineering. 2018. Available at

Sustainable Education in Inventive Problem Solving with TRIZ and Knowledge-Based Innovation at Universities. 2018. Available at

Altshuller Contradiction Matrix. A Critical View and Best-Practice Recommendations. 2018. Available at

Competitive Capability Assessment of Industrial Companies within the Framework of Advanced Innovation Design Approach. 2018. Available at

Advanced Innovation Design Approach: towards Integration of TRIZ Methodology into Innovation Design Process. 2018. Available at

Sustainable European Collaboration in the Field of Knowledge-Based Innovation and Inventive Problem Solving with TRIZ. 2018. Available at

On the Efficiency of TRIZ Application for Process Intensification in Process Engineering. 2018. Available at

Modelling Innovation Process in Multidisciplinary Course in New Product Development and Inventive Problem Solving. 2017. Available at

Systematic Innovation in Process Engineering: Linking TRIZ and Process Intensification. 2017. Available at

Identification of Secondary Problems of New Technologies in Process Engineering by Patent Analysis. 2017. Available at

Advanced innovation design approach for process engineering. 2017. Available at

TRIZ Trainingsbuch: Systematische Produktentwicklung und erfinderische Problemlösung mit TRIZ Methodik (Selbstlernkurs). 2016. Available at

Sustainable European Collaboration in the Field of Knowledge-Based Innovation with TRIZ. 2016. Available at

Problem definition and identification of contradictions in the interdisciplinary areas of mechatronic engineering. 2016. Available at

TRIZ-based approach for process intensification and problem solving in process engineering: concepts and research agenda. 2016. Available at

Systemischer Ansatz zur Steigerung der Innovations-und Wettbewerbsfähigkeit von Industrieunternehmen. 2016. Available at

Structured Innovation with TRIZ in Science and Industry - Creating Value for Customers and Society. 2016. Available at

Eight Fields of MATCEMIB Help Students to Generate More Ideas. 2016. Available at

Estimation of New-Product Success by Company's Internal Experts in the Early Phases of Innovation Process. Procedia CIRP, Volume 39, 2016, Pages 150-155. Available at

Measuring Motivation and Innovation Skills in Advanced Course in New Product Development and Inventive Problem Solving with TRIZ for Mechanical Engineering Students. Procedia Engineering, Volume 131, 2015, Pages 767-775.

Using Patent Information for Identification of New Product Features with High Market Potential. Procedia Engineering, Volume 131, 2015, Pages 1157-1164.

The Principle of Feeling. The Method of Structural Systemic Constellations for Technical Problem Solving and Decision Making. Proceedings of the 12th TRIZ Future Conference, Lisbon, 24.-26. Okt. 2012, pp. 577-586, 2012, 696 p., Universidade Nova de Lisboa, ISBN 978-989-95683-1-0.

Web-Based Asynchronous Distance Education in New Product Development and Inventive Problem Solving for Industrial Companies. Proceedings of the 11th ETRIA World Conference, Systematically Innovating for Sustainable Competitiveness, Dublin, 2.-4. Nov. 2011, pp. 145-163, 2011, 481 p., ISBN 978-0-9551218-2-1.

Measuring efficiency of innovation and new product development process in industrial companies – analysis of current situation, tendencies and identification of opportunities for enhancement. Proceedings of the 10th ETRIA World Conference, Bergamo, 3.-5. Nov. 2010, pp. 311-312, Bergamo University Press, 2010, 346 p., ISBN 978-88-96333-59-4.

TRIZ - Technologie zur systematischen Ideenfindung, Produktentwicklung und Qualitätssicherung. Im Band "Der Qualitätsmanagement-Berater" 2009, ISBN 978-3-8249-1218-6.

TRIZ Innovation Technology. Product Development and Inventive Problem Solving. INNOVATOR (Vol. 03) 01/2009, ISSN 1866-4180, p. 3-286.

Method for Quantitative Evaluation of Innovation Tasks for Technical Systems, Products and Processes. Proceedings of ETRIA World Conference 2008 “Synthesis in Innovation”, 5-7 Nov. 2008, University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands, ISBN 978-90-365-2749-1, p.197-199.

Innovation strategy formulation - Case study.  TriS-Newsletter 02-2008.

Problemlösung auf Bestellung. Methodik des systematischen Erfindens TRIZ. INNOVATOR 04-2008.

Technologieprognose und strategische Innovation. TriS-Newsletter 01-2008.

Integration of Method of Systemic Constellations into Moderated Educational and Problem Solving Workshops with TRIZ for Technical and Non-Technical Tasks. TRIZ-Future Conference 2007, Frankfurt/Main, November 6-8, 2007.

Approach for Scenario Planning of Innovation Strategies and its Application for Innovative Concept Development. International Conference "Front End of Innovation Europe", Munich, 22.-25. Jan. 2007.

"TRIZ - die geheime Denkwaffe?" F&E Manager 01/2006.

Innovation Excellence für den Mittelstand. Innovation Niedersachsen:  08/2005.

Bericht über das Firmengemeinschaftsprojekt «Knowledge Processor» zur Entwicklung eines branchenneutralen kundennutzen-orientierten Innovationsprozesses, 4. europäischer TRIZ-Kongress in Frankfurt, 07/2005.

The undervalued innovation potential. TRIZ-Journal, 03/2004.

TRIZ im Innovationsprozess. Bericht über den Weltkongress:
«Die weltweit besten Verfahren für Systematische Innovation am Beispiel der Automobilindustrie», 12.-14. November 2003, Aachen. Konstruktion & Engineering, ke 03/2004

Modelling 40 Innovation Principles with «Moving Little People». TRIZ-Journal, 07/2003.

Ermittlung verdeckter Fehler an Maschinen und Anlagen.
Qualität & Zuverlässigkeit, QZ Jahrg. 48 (2003) 4, S. 305
Kreativmethoden im Vergleich.
Konstruktion & Engineering, ke 10/02, S.3
Antizipierende Qualitätssicherung mit Kreativität.
Verfahrenstechnik 12/02, S. 36
TRIZ-based Innovation Principles and a Process for Problem Solving in Business and Management. Proceedings of the ETRIA World Conference, Bath UK, 7-9 Nov. 2001
Approach to Complete Search of Innovation Concepts and Customization of TRIZ-Tools.
Proceedings of the ETRIA World Conference, Bath UK, 7-9 Nov. 2001
Mit TRIZ Kosten Kappen.
Konstruktion & Engineering 11/01, S.36.
TRIZ-Innovationstechnologie: Denkimpulse für Entwickler und Führungskräfte.
REFA-Nachrichten, Heft 2/April 2001, S.47-50.
Denkimpulse für Führungskräfte.
Konstruktion & Engineering 2/01, S.3.
TRIZ - Technologie zur systematischen Ideenfindung, Produktentwicklung und Qualitätssicherung. Im Band "Der Qualitätsmanagement-Berater" 2000, 3. Aktualisierung, ISBN 3-8249-0627-9, 23 Seiten.
Fehlererkennung mit TRIZ-Methode.
Technische Rundschau 10/2000.
Wie der Innovationsmotor in Schwung kommt. TRIZ: Industrieerfahrungen und Perspektiven.
Konstruktion & Engineering 6/00, S.43.
Die richtige Entscheidung zur richtigen Zeit - Inventorische Problemlösung mit TRIZ.
Technologie & Management 3-4/2000, S.34-37.
TRIZ-Innovationsmethode und Software für Ingenieure.
Technische Rundschau 5/99, S.36-39.
Daniel Düsentrieb lässt grüßen.
Verfahrenstechnik 4/99, S.82-84.
TRIZ-Methode und Computer-Aided Innovation.
io-Management 11/98, S.68-75.
Kreativer Denkapparat für Ingenieure.
Konstruktion & Engineering 8/98 (Teil 1 - S.38-39) und 9/98 (Teil 2 - S.75).

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