About Us
TriS Europe Innovation Academy was founded under the name TriSolver Consulting in 1998 in Hanover, Germany as a consulting company for Theory of Inventive Problem Solving TRIZ, as the enormous potential of this methodology for systematic innovation was recognized by several leading German companies. Based on his profound knowledge of TRIZ, the TriS
Europe founder Prof. Dr.-Ing. Pavel Livotov, a seasoned inventor, author of more than 80 patented solutions and 90 publications on TRIZ and systematic innovation, managed to reach and to extend
its market leadership in Germany and Europe within a short time.
Already by 1998, the first European TRIZ-software, TriSolver 1.0, appeared on the market, followed by the upgraded TriSolver 2.0.
Subsequently, the web-based software TriS-IDEAS, and the Advanced Innovation Design Approach (AIDA toolbox) were developed as part of innovation research and
our ongoing collaboration with customers. The latest application, AIDA Automatic IDEA & IP Generator, serves as an AI-powered tool for innovation and invention.
It is designed to enhance AI-driven innovation and new product development, streamline idea generation, and facilitate
the AI-assisted evaluation and selection of optimal innovation concepts.
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Prof., Ph.D. Pavel Livotov
TriS Europe Founder
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